Radiant Health Massage LLC

Lypossage® Massage

Lypossage® is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that combines specialized massage techniques to reduce cellulite, improve skin tone, and contour the body. The typical program consists of 18 sessions spread over 6 weeks, with each session lasting 45 minutes. Lypossage® offers a holistic approach to body contouring without surgery or invasive procedures. Click here! Book now our packages and series packages and save 25% off! 

Series Package 1:

Introductory Package 

  • 6 sessions - 45 minutes per session - Cost: $393.75 (Retail price $525) 
  • Ideal for beginners 
  • Reduced cellulite and improved skin tone

Series Package 2:

Standard Package

  • 12 sessions - 45 minutes per session - Cost: $787.50  (Retail $1050)
  • Comprehensive treatment plan 
  • Noticeable improvement in body contour and skin elasticity

Series Package 3:

Advanced Package 

  • 18 sessions - 45 minutes per session - Cost: $1,181.25  (Retail $1,575) 
  • Complete Lypossage® Massage 18 Session program 
  • Significant reduction in cellulite, improved circulation, and detoxification 
  • Long-lasting results with maximum body contouring effects

More Packages!!

Try our Combined Lypossage® and Lymphatic Drainage Packages for total wellness and enhanced recovery.

Brazilian Lymphatic and Lypossage® Massage or Swedish Massage- Package

  • 60 minutes- Cost: $131.25 (Retail price $175)

  • 90 minutes - Cost $140.25 (Retail price $187.50)

To book our Combined packages or schedule a free consultation, please contact us at (571)368-4084.